
The Silverblood Promise is out now in North America!

The Silverblood Promise is now officially out in North America, published by Tor Books, and available in both hardback and paperback editions (not to mention ebook and audiobook). Two years ago the book had been rejected by every publisher under the sun. Today it’s available in bookstores worldwide. What a dream. Thanks to everyone at Tor for believing in the book and for their hard work, and to all the readers, booksellers, Instagrammers and YouTubers who have shown such amazing support – I appreciate you all. Passion before reason.

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Yesterday – 25th April – my debut novel, The Silverblood Promise, was published in the UK by Arcadia. It’s been a long journey some twenty-five years in the making. Stephen King reckons the road to hell is paved with adverbs, but for me it’s abandoned manuscripts. The Silverblood Promise itself took the better part of six years to write – three years for the first draft, then another three to knock the whole mess into something resembling a novel. I must have done a dozen passes on the book, pouring my heart and soul into it, finessing and polishing every…

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The Year in Review – 2023

What a year. The Silverblood Promise isn’t even out yet – and won’t be until this coming April (nudge, nudge, wink, wink, get your pre-orders in, etc – but it’s been a rollercoaster of a year. It took me a long time to write this novel. The first draft alone took three years, partly because I was learning my process and was in thrall to bad habits, but mostly because I didn’t have a clue what I was doing. It took me another two or three years to wrangle the resulting manuscript into something that resembled a novel. Then came…

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I’m thrilled to announce my debut fantasy novel, The Silverblood Promise, will be published in April ’24 by Jo Fletcher Books!  Here’s the announcement in BookBrunch… …and here’s the announcement in the Bookseller. As an editor with nearly a decade and a half of experience in the publishing industry, it’s strange seeing my photo in the trade press – I’m far more used to seeing my authors’ press releases! It’s been a very long road to reach this point, and I’ve been sitting on this news for some time, so it’s a relief to finally be able to share it.…

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